The Covid-19 pandemic is trapping us all indoors for the foreseeable future. Read advice from an introvert to keep you happy while you avoid other humans. ~
The world is banding together – though six feet, or more, apart – to help flatten the curve of the Covid-19 pandemic. Personally, I find working from home and limiting the amount of ‘peopling‘ I have to do is beneficial to my mental health. However, I know this isn’t the case for everyone, particularly extroverts. And, even for the most introverted of us, cabin fever will set in. Since I’ve essentially been training for this my whole life, I’ve put together a few suggestions to help others through the isolation.
1. Open your windows
You may not be able to go out and about like usual, and stale, stagnant air isn’t going to help. Throw open your windows, even if, like me, you are still experiencing winter. The fresh air can really make a difference.

2. Tackle those books you’ve been meaning to read
It’s going to be a long haul, so why not turn your To-Be-Read mountain into more of a hill?
3. Get your body moving
You might not be able to go to the gym, but there’s still plenty you can do to combat the sedentary blues from the comfort of your home. Some fitness teachers are streaming workouts for people to follow at home. Or you could start a sit up or push up challenge. Even just dancing around your living room is a good option to keep your spirits up!

4. Explore new music, and share with your friends
Check out some of the free concerts artists are hosting online and have a virtual viewing party with some friends. Alternatively, ask your friends to make some new playlists to share with each other. Follow the link to listen to my ‘Quarantunes Play List‘.
5. Delve into the museums that are offering virtual tours
Buzzfeed has collected a list of 13 Museums you can visit online. The Musée D’Orsay is one. It’s my favourite museum to visit!
6. Take a page from the gamer community and get on Twitch or Discord
I’m not super familiar with Twitch, but I have been exploring Discord. It allows you to create your own server, where you can invite friends to join you to text or voice chat. Invite your friends for a virtual tea party or host your book club meeting from the comfort of all your couches.
7. Stay connected with friends and family using a video chat service
Maintaining connections is important. If you can’t see their faces in person, the next best thing can be setting up a nice video chat.

8. Start a new hobby
Ever wanted to learn to knit? Or do art? Or repair computers? This is the perfect time to try out a new hobbit. There are so many tutorials online. Get your Google on and find some new things to try!
9. Remember this is temporary
These are measures we are taking for now to help us protect the most vulnerable in our community. They are working. We are slowing this thing down (one introvert activity at at a time!), and we will be able to go back to up-close and personal-like socialization again.
Good luck! From, Your Friendly Neighbourhood Introvert!