Growing restless due to the latest Covid lockdown Canadians are finding freedom by going north and going tiny. New cottage owners!
As most of the world’s population is feeling it, my children and I have really felt the intensity of the latest pandemic restrictions. To bring us out of it, I have put into action a plan I wanted to put into place last summer. This summer, I am giving my family their freedom back by escaping the city and heading north, into nature, to build a tiny cottage.
Going north and going tiny…
Freedom is having enough snow to sled down, roll in, and throw. All without wearing a mask through our apartment building to get to it.

Freedom is living in a small community away from cities and towns that intermingle, therefore, pushing communities that were open for business into hard lockdowns.

Freedom is seeing my children have something to look forward to. They are no longer dwelling on the restrictions on their lives and the fear of their surroundings.

Freedom is giving up the luxury of a large apartment in the city with a swimming pool to feel safe in a tiny home with black flies and mosquitos.
Freedom is building a tiny cottage in Northern Ontario this summer. Time to build our own escape.
Picture unavailable. The tiny cottage is still in the design phase. Woo hoo!