Browsing Category


  • health sisterhood

    Fancy Shmancy – Life and Vocab

    I found a fancy word this week.  And can I just tell you, I’m excited to learn something new when I’m surrounded by kid-talk (like my daughter discussing the merits of boogers or the…

    January 14, 2012
  • health

    Out of Commission

    Two weeks ago I started getting sick – thanks to my lovely husband for bringing the illness home. I’ve been coughing for over a week and it’s one of those hideous dry hacking coughs…

    November 13, 2011
  • culture & community health

    My Peace in the Universe

    I admit, I’ve dabbled. And while I don’t recommend going to a psychic, especially just ANY psychic, I find that in certain pockets of my life I’m drawn to the experience. My most recent…

    October 3, 2011
  • arts & music health

    For Love or Money

    Sometimes it’s a no brainer; sometimes it’s a painful choice; should we do what we love or should we make money? Thankfully, moving to Japan, for the most part has allowed me to do…

    June 1, 2011