I’m in quite the mood and I can’t tell you why. I chalk it up to being one of those days. The type where nothing cataclysmic has occurred, but a few choice encounters have…
I found a fancy word this week. And can I just tell you, I’m excited to learn something new when I’m surrounded by kid-talk (like my daughter discussing the merits of boogers or the…
A week ago I spoke to my mother. It was a typical long-distance conversation where we moved from the mundane (e.g. what did you have for dinner?) to the pressing (e.g. how long will…
Two weeks ago I started getting sick – thanks to my lovely husband for bringing the illness home. I’ve been coughing for over a week and it’s one of those hideous dry hacking coughs…
I admit, I’ve dabbled. And while I don’t recommend going to a psychic, especially just ANY psychic, I find that in certain pockets of my life I’m drawn to the experience. My most recent…
My favorite part of Nic’s new motherhood post was her sweet husband blurting out how she was still sexy. In today’s enlightened times men have more awareness of female sexuality (clitoris, g-spot, right?) and…
Sometimes it’s a no brainer; sometimes it’s a painful choice; should we do what we love or should we make money? Thankfully, moving to Japan, for the most part has allowed me to do…