If you haven’t been following all the news in Asia you might not know about the current territorial spat between Japan and China over an uninhabited island chain in the East China Sea. Prime…
After the birth of my second son, my ex turned to me and said “You’ll probably have to work off your mom bum now.” I asked him what a mom bum was and he…
Inspired by Lem’s previous post, I was examining how despite the fact that I’ve chosen an unconventional path and made some decisions that many people would consider counter intuitive, I have been moving forward…
The video below is of my 4½ -year-old friend Abby, (the daughter of my awesome friends), entitled Abby the Entrepreneur. In it Abby sings her own song, which she appears to make up as…
Caring for a baby in Indonesia is very convenient compared to in the western world. Traditionally, there is a great family support system. Many parents rely on mothers to assist them with their babies.…
I didn’t see it coming. “People who decide not to have kids—that’s just selfish, isn’t it?” Wide-eyed, earnest, entreating. Oh no, here we go again. I brace myself. A rhetorical question from an acquaintance…
I’ve not held what anyone would call a “normal” job for over ten years. I haven’t had a 52 week a year, 7 day a week, 8 hour a day career for, really, my…
I was standing on top of the escalators making my decent into the mall. My mind racing, as usual, covering every emotion, lesson and piece of advice I’d had over the last twenty months,…
On March 12, one day after the earthquake I received this email: Hi Kimberly, There was huge earthquake yesterday. I have not experienced such big before. Are you OK? Everything is fine? If you…
I rank 49,561,166 on the Global Rich List. That may not sound like much, but in a world with approximately 6 billion people, it puts me in the top 0.82% in terms of income.…