How to get your dream on the road when you don’t have enough experience, time, or likes. A simple how to list of 4 tips to get you on track for 2017. I…
Along with my afternoon tea, today failure tastes like homemade banana bread abundant in walnuts. It tastes welcoming and satisfying. I’m pretty sure I’ve come full circle just as a lesson in appreciation.…
These are an assortment of handmade creative cards to help me through moments of: dullness & low energy, moodiness, feeling stuck, and exhibiting destructive behaviours or poisonous thoughts that are detrimental to my artistic…
business culture & community social media & technology
Social Entrepreneurship: Stinking of patchouli or smelling of roses?
I work in Yoyogi, and have always loved this little nook of Tokyo. It’s a great neighborhood, a little upscale, lots of nice places to eat, not overwhelming to walk around, very close to…