Your Body is Safe describes sexism in the music industry and discusses sexual assault which may be triggering to survivors. It follows with positive affirmations and meditation. This is a guest post written by…
Watch The Love Yourself Project, a 30 day video experiment to dispel negative inner dialog and flip the switch to positively charged thoughts. It has been nearly a year already, people! A whole year has…
I’ve never really been a strictly religious person, although I have the greatest respect for those privileged enough to have found faith. Travel has always been the one constant in my life. Ever since…
Home [aka. Manilla, Philippines] is approximately 2800 kilometers away and I am missing it badly. There are lots of things I’m homesick for, my family…
Frustration has been my friend for a long time. I feel like I never have enough time for anything. I feel cooped up with caring for my children. I want to do so many things but…
Ever since JoAnna’s impactful post A Lesson In Creating Space (or: I Have Been Taught To Grow In) I have been dwelling on the way we, as a society, respond to inappropriate behavior. I remember…
After I finished writing my post, I sat back and read it a few times. As I was reading it a song had come into my head. It was Meredith Brooks’ Bitch. This song…