culture & community


by Nix — February 23, 2012

I wonder,

Is it alright for me to moan about the hassles of my daily commute when elsewhere folks have to walk hours just to get to a tap with running water.

Is it alright to sigh about the stresses of my job, when all around me unemployment is rampant.

Is it alright to feel the pinch of singledom, when just weeks ago I watched a friend have to say goodbye forever to her husband as she laid him to his final rest.

Is it allowed that I feel angry and humiliated by an event that was, at the very least a violation of my human dignity and at most the blatant arrogance of bureaucratic law? Elsewhere, vast multitudes face the daily humiliation of poverty, hunger and hopelessness.

But, if I am not allowed to feel these things, am then not also a person in need?


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