By now, it’s a familiar story – the housewife who has lost her way. I just never knew it would happen to me. I’ve been opening myself up to joy – whether it’s finding joy or having joy find me. It’s in the small moments. It’s also in the releasing of what I thought was me – that voice in my head. Turns out, that voice is not always right. Joy is also in daily showers – the simple enjoyment of warm water, feeling refreshed and new. There are times here when the water gets cut off. It’s been five days now. The cold splash of water in the essential areas is a bit of a shock to the system; when I know this is how the day will be begin, it makes it hard to begin the day.
Procrastination (or more accurately that nagging feeling of “you could be doing more with your day”) and I are good friends. Not having water makes it easier to buddy up with that nagging feeling and put off making dinner, drive across town and eat out. But if joy is in the small moments, then enjoy the drive and the kids’ funny questions and the grilled chicken sandwich that you never would have made anyway.
From what I hear, joy can also be found in doing what you love. I’m not too sure what that is anymore. But at this point, it must be part of a process that starts with ideas. I have an idea for a shop called The Suk. Made up of locally made items with a twist, it will be a place for local artisans and crafty types to sell their wares. Projects have to be part of keeping procrastination away and this is my project. And I feel like it will light a little fire to propel me beyond our house with no water and create my own way.