A working Mom, during a pandemic is a challenge. A working Mom who needs a bit of peace so she can write, that’s another story. Pandemic haiku it is!
Feeling a little unfocused. Constant interruptions as I try to work and create make it hard to sit down and put fingers to keys. Barely listening to my children as they chatter around me. I try to focus on work, saying yes to whatever they have just asked me, without thinking, only to regret it five minutes later when I realize that they have poured the milk and the lemon juice into the same container as a science experiment. “But you said we could!” drowns out my frustration.
However, I did carve out some time, with a glass of wine in hand, to Zoom along with other participants in our local writer’s festival, Northwords. Leif Gregersen spoke about poetry. I latched on to a style of poetry called haiku. Its simple rules, short stature, and abrupt messaging seemed a pleasing fit.
Haiku Times 8

Me, reading on our deck at Midnight, on the longest day of the year. Checking another item off my pandemic to-do list.
What have you been doing around the house these days? Anyone else writing haikus out there? Go ahead and share your favourites with us!