• coffee, cookie, glasses, wellness, Cheney

    On Wellness, Part 2

    Is “wellness” an unattainable construct? No matter how hard we try it’s always just out of reach. The trouble with a system that sets us up for failure. (As indicated by the title, there’s a part…

    July 4, 2016
  • philosophy & politics travel

    You Can Do the Thing

    There are so many things that you can do. If you can learn how to change the ‘cannots’ into ‘I cans’ it’s amazing what you’ll be able to accomplish. Fear holds you back but it’s your will…

    May 31, 2016
  • travel

    This Part is Called: ‘Riding The Train’

    I never fully understood the term Riding the Train until now. Yesterday I took the ‘express’ train from Yangon (the former capital of Myanmar) to Thazi (a small cross roads town)—the journey over 12…

    May 21, 2016
  • health

    Let’s Go Exploring! (or: How to be a Flaneuse)

    Canada was colonially established by explorers. The search for the Northwest Passage became irrelevant along with the need for explorers as industrialization took over. We know our cities, we travel major highways rather than…

    May 18, 2016
  • 5th Anniversary High Five
    culture & community humour sisterhood

    5th Anniversary High Five

    It’s Empress Tea’s 5th Anniversary! That’s right ladies and gentlemen, we’ve been exhibiting and gathering creative women together from around the world for five whole years already! Happy 5th Anniversary!!!! We’ve shared our joys, our…

    April 11, 2016