“Either give me more wine or leave me alone.” – Rumi Dearest Rumi, I don’t think I could have said it any better. I’m currently in Europe where wine is like a religion. Not…
Finding your creative pathway is a difficult journey requiring constant learning & invigorating sources of inspiration. How can creatives elude stagnation, the major killer of creativity? I’ve written about life as a creative before, about staying inspired and…
Finding Beauty The troubles with travelling & living abroad, and how the mind acts as a portal to help ease the transition. You’re in one place but thinking about the other; simultaneously exploring where you are going to and…
What does a person from Canada look and sound like? Is there a set rule? Should you ask someone where they’re ‘really’ from? Let’s talk multiculturalism… Canada. America. The United Kingdom. Australia. South Africa.…
Canada was colonially established by explorers. The search for the Northwest Passage became irrelevant along with the need for explorers as industrialization took over. We know our cities, we travel major highways rather than…
It’s dogs barking both close and far. It’s cars reverberating across a bridge whose joints have been sloppily paved over to create heaves that make an empty dump truck bounce and bang. Ker-chunk.…
Amber’s experiment with light. This week featuring the winter solstice light. Follow her documentation of the quality of light and how it continuously changes from week to week in Yellowknife, Canada. Click the links to…
Along with my afternoon tea, today failure tastes like homemade banana bread abundant in walnuts. It tastes welcoming and satisfying. I’m pretty sure I’ve come full circle just as a lesson in appreciation.…
Amber’s experiment with light. Follow her 52 weeks documentation of the quality of light and how it magically transforms from season to season in Yellowknife, Canada. Click the links to see Post One, Post Three, & Post…
I’ve wanted to do a version of this project for awhile. I plan to take a photo at the same time, on the same day of each week of the year, in the same…