July is disability pride month! Meghan celebrates her pride with a poem about the ups and downs of disability. Pride How do you have pride in something, That from the moment you take your…
Your quick poetry challenge, should you choose to accept it, is to write a poem in six lines or less. Share your creations in the comments! Taking advantage of the free poetry classes offered…
A working Mom, during a pandemic is a challenge. A working Mom who needs a bit of peace so she can write, that’s another story. Pandemic haiku it is! Feeling a little unfocused. Constant…
An allegory expressing the sadness of a brother’s death where dad becomes the caretaker, and his children, priceless masterpieces of God. I often express my feelings about things I can’t control through poetry. When…
Inspired on vacation to Vancouver Island, poetry flows from this avid traveller. A call to the ocean with bittersweet reflections on travel & belonging. I don’t usually write poetry, but I recently took a…
It’s dogs barking both close and far. It’s cars reverberating across a bridge whose joints have been sloppily paved over to create heaves that make an empty dump truck bounce and bang. Ker-chunk.…
October has been a…month. Between my own health issues, the death of a friend from school, and the impending deployment of my boyfriend (tomorrow morning), I have been a mess. I loved Bridget’s Medusa…
You’ll have to forgive me as I haven’t experienced a proper fall in roughly seven years, and when I say “fall,” I mean that period of time when forests of trees bleed all manner of crimson…
I must admit that I nearly forgot the deadline for my blog posting today (and technically missed it, boo me), and even though the general topic for it – a quote by romantic poet…