“Either give me more wine or leave me alone.” – Rumi Dearest Rumi, I don’t think I could have said it any better. I’m currently in Europe where wine is like a religion. Not…
The life force for creativity are new experiences and the easiest way to stay inspired is to get away! Break your routine, cultivate new experiences, explore new cultures, and let yourself be happy, amazed, and relaxed. Pleasantly surprised,…
Regular vacationing is beneficial for recharging your creative batteries. The trick is finding the balance between running away for holiday & spending quality time at home. Approximately ninety percent of the time, I am a…
Two and a half years ago, almost to the day, my husband and I packed all our belongings into boxes, distributed all our good furniture (code for stuff not bought in Ikea) amongst unwilling…
Finding Beauty The troubles with travelling & living abroad, and how the mind acts as a portal to help ease the transition. You’re in one place but thinking about the other; simultaneously exploring where you are going to and…
There are so many things that you can do. If you can learn how to change the ‘cannots’ into ‘I cans’ it’s amazing what you’ll be able to accomplish. Fear holds you back but it’s your will…
I never fully understood the term Riding the Train until now. Yesterday I took the ‘express’ train from Yangon (the former capital of Myanmar) to Thazi (a small cross roads town)—the journey over 12…
I’ve never really been a strictly religious person, although I have the greatest respect for those privileged enough to have found faith. Travel has always been the one constant in my life. Ever since…
I have this little thing called Time Hop. It pops up on my Facebook account and reminds me of stuff I was doing on this day, last year. Sometimes it brings up joyous pictures…
Very soon, our little family will seek out our own view of the Empire State building (and see JoAnna at the same time!). New York City! It’s the only American city this…